Original Globe
We have prepared an original globe that can be freely moved 360 degrees by scrolling with your finger. Tap each country to display an explanation card. Also, by clicking on the markers shown in a circle, you can view the explanation cards of world heritage sites, mountains, rivers, and so on.
Colouring sheets
We have prepared colouring sheets from about 190 countries around the world. By selecting a country of interest, you can learn about its culture, sports, world heritage, and many other things while having fun.
Matching Worksheets
These matching worksheets help you learn more about the illustrations on the colouring sheets and acquire reading comprehension skills.
Alphabet Practice sheets
動物たちと一緒に楽しくアルファベットの練習をしよう! 全てのワークシートをこなせば、A~Zまで大文字も小文字も全て練習できるよ!
In these worksheets, you can practice upper and lower case letters from A to Z.